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History & Milestones

Year 2010


Preparing for the establishment of PPE, consolidating technical resources, and starting the design of wheels and titanium alloy connecting rod.

Year 2011


- Successfully designed F10 wheel, the forged monoblock aluminum alloy 18-inch wheel weighs less than 7kg, the first breakthrough in the market
- Titanium alloy connecting rod tested in the same year
- Developing racing fuel and octane additives
- Working on research and development of engine oil, analyzing all types of engine oil performance on the market

Year 2012

- Developed F10 Evolution (evolutionary) wheel, the forged monoblock aluminum alloy wheel with the highest strength and weight ratio ever till now launched S5 wheel in the same year
- Launched ultra-lightweight titanium alloy wheel nuts (short nut weighs only 14 grams), being tested in the United Kingdom and Germany Nürburgring
- Working on research and development of carbon fiber composite technology, designing carbon fiber parts
- Developing of carbon fiber rims, testing of carbon-fiber ceramic brake discs
- Developing of high-performance titanium alloy brake hose fittings
- Set the direction of development of lubricants, research and development on the engine oil formula replacing the traditional ZDDP anti-wear technology

Year 2013


- In mainland China set up R&D center and production site, invested in the development of machines and equipment
- Extreme version and Standard version of wheel product lines are developed, which meet different customers' needs
- Stainless steel brake floating fittings were in production
- Began to provide industrial and manufacturing technology consultancy services
- R&D on special stainless alloy steel material to replace the high cost aviation-grade titanium alloy

Year 2014

- Developed more wheel product lines (Premium Sport, Track Star, and Track Star RS)
- Stainless steel brake hoses started production
- Successfully developed high performance and durable fully synthetic engine oil for track and road testing

Year 2015

- Long fiber carbon-ceramic brake disc development and testing
- Launched the long stainless alloy steel wheel nut with a weight of fewer than 30 grams, making it the first wheel nut that can be based on stainless alloy steel material while achieving industrial grade 12.9 strength
- New designs have been added to our wheel nuts, which are the detachable waterproof end cap with different choices of color and the floating seat for fixing concentricity, various shapes and sizes of wheel nuts available for different cars
- Introduced the stainless alloy steel engine head studs, material strength was above grade 12.9 Super Spec
- Successfully used organic nanotechnology made the breakthrough to the traditional ZDDP-based engine oil anti-wear technology, introduced Nano Power Lubricants to the market and racing application
- Nano anti-wear synthetic lubricants for industrial machine use also launched in the same year
- Officially sell and promote products in the China market, participated in major races in China, provide racing engineering consultancy services for CTCC and Macau Grand Prix

Year 2016

- Partnered with CTCC race team JJ-Racing

- Second generation Premium Sport fully synthetic oil is developed

- Launched new member for Premium Sport wheels series, the V10 and V10 Extreme, official true double-sized I-beam structure technology added to the wheels family

Year 2017

- Chinese CNAS laboratory report shows that PPE Nano Lubricants Premium Sport 5W-30 scored the lowest Noack evaporation, showing the best performance among the industry.


- PPE aims to success by products' quality and details, starting from the materials and engineering design to meticulous production process. Our mission is to make glorious history for the automotive industry!

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